Faktum is the largest street paper in Sweden, sold by those who are homeless or otherwise outside of society. Some of the vulnerable people in the streets of Sweden are nowadays Romanian, some beg and others sell Faktum. This has created a hectic debate in the country and many became upset that Faktum is not solely for Swedes. But Faktum does not want to make a difference between people in need.
We made a film to take a clear stand against the prejudice and racism that Faktum’s salesmen experience. In the soundtrack “Sverige” (Sweden) by Kent, the singer without pride tells the story about Swedish culture and sings “Welcome here, Whoever you are, wherever you are” in the chorus. This was the first commercial that this popular Swedish rock band has ever agreed to participate in.
Art Director: Karina Ullensvang, Maria Fridman / F&B
Copywriter: David Lundgren / F&B
Designer: Jerry Wass / F&B
Director: Annika Westerhult / Lucky Punk